House Number Display

House Number Display Ordinance

Gerrish Township House Number Display Ordinance No. XXVI: An ordinance to provide for the establishment, control and regulation of street numbering display within Gerrish Township, to provide for penalties for the violation of this Ordinance and to repeal any Township ordinance or parts of Township ordinances in direct conflict herein.

The Gerrish Township board has determined that the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of Gerrish Township would be better served by the establishment of a uniform township-wide street house number display system. Such a system will enable police agencies, ambulance services, fire services, public utilities, postal service, township officials, and other necessary services to more rapidly identify and locate properties within Gerrish Township.


This ordinance shall be known and cited as the “GERRISH TOWNSHIP HOUSE NUMBER DISPLAY ORDINANCE”.


The purpose of this Ordinance is to establish a system within Gerrish Township whereby the addresses of all premises will be identified and to provide rules and guidelines to facilitate enforcement thereof.


A. The term “premises” shall mean any lot or parcel of land owned by any person, firm or corporation, public or private, improved with buildings, whether occupied or not.

B. The term “house number” shall mean the official number assigned that premise by Consumers Power Company and recognized by the Roscommon County Central Dispatch governing board.

C. The term “interested party” shall refer to the emergency services, owner, occupant, building department, public utilities or
any other governmental agency.

D. The term “street or road name” shall refer to any official name as recognized by government authority. No such named street or road shall be changed without the approval of the Gerrish Township Board, Roscommon County Road Commission, the Roscommon County 911 Central Dispatch governing board, and Consumers Energy Company. Gerrish Township Ordinance Number XXVI 


A. All premises shall bear the distinctive street number assigned to that premise by Consumers Energy Company and recognized by Roscommon County Central Dispatch governing board.

B. 1. All houses shall display upon the front of each dwelling the distinctive street number assigned to that premise. The number shall be placed in such a position as to be plainly visible to all road traffic coming to the premise from both directions. These numbers shall be no less than five (5) inches in height.

  • If a dwelling is more than 50 feet from the street or is not clearly visible from the road, every owner of a premise shall place or display adjacent to the road on which the property fronts a sign attached to a fence or post those distinctive street numbers assigned to that premise. These numbers shall be no less than three (3) inches in height. These numbers should be visible from both directions. The sign must be placed at a height to assure it does not become obscured by winter snow or snowplowing.
  • All house numbers shall be in either block or script style letters and shall be in contracting colors to their backgrounds whether on the dwelling or a sign on the road.



Failure to display house numbers within sixty (60) days after the adoption of this ordinance, or in the case of new construction, within thirty (30) days after a letter or certificate of occupancy has been issued, shall be considered a violation of this Ordinance and shall subject such violator the penalties hereinafter provided.

Any person who violates any provision of this Ordinance is responsible for a municipal civil infraction, subject to payment of a civil fine of not less than $50.00, plus applicable costs and other sanctions for each violation as authorized by Section 21 of Act No. 359 of the Public Acts of 1947, as amended, and the Gerrish Township Municipal Ordinance Violations
Bureau Ordinance.

Repeat offenses under this Ordinance shall be subject to increased fines as provided by this Section. As used in this Section, ‘repeat offense’ means a second (or any subsequent) violation of the same requirement or provision of this Ordinance within any three (3) year period for which the person admits responsibility or is determined to be responsible. The increased
fine for a repeat offense under this Ordinance shall be as follows: 1) The fine for any offense which is a first repeat offense shall be not less than $125.00 plus costs. 2) The fine for any offense which is a second repeat offense shall be not less than $250.00, plus costs. Gerrish Township Ordinance Number XXVI

  • The fine for any offense which is a third repeat, or any subsequent repeat offense, shall be not less than $400.00 each, plus costs.


Each day on which any violation of this Ordinance occurs or continues constitutes a separate offense subject to separate sanctions.



The provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable and if any clause, sentence, word, section or provision is declared void or unenforceable, for any reason, by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining portions of said Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.


This Ordinance shall take effect, following publication as required by law, on July 1, 1996.

Roll call: Yes: Carlson, Mahalak, Stiefelmayer, Weatherly
No: None Absent: Lippert

Amended: January 12, 1999 Roll call: Yes: Carlson, Boyle,
Ragan, Lippert, Weatherly No: None

Amended: June 13, 2000 Roll call: Yes: Carlson, Boyle,
Ragan, Lippert, Weatherly No: None

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