Gerrish Township Ordinances
Six ordinances that apply to the Fire & EMS Department’s services are listed here.
A complete list of the all the township ordinances can be found on the township website.
Ordinance XXXXI – Zoning
An ordinance enacted by Gerrish Township under the Public Act 110 in 2006, the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, to regulate the use and development of land and provide for the establishment of districts within which specified land use and development may occur.
Ordinance XXII – Trash and Refuse Burning
An ordinance to prohibit the burning of materials, other than for domestic purposes, and to provide penalty for violations.
Ordinance XXXXV – Fireworks Discharge
An ordinance to establish a safe environment for the use or discharge of fireworks, and to regulate the public health, safety and general welfare of persons and property, in particular to ensure protection for the viewing public and the property owners surrounding the discharge site of fireworks.
Ordinance XXVI – House Numbering
An ordinance to provide for the establishment, control, and regulation of street numbering display within Gerrish Township, to provide for penalties for violation of this Ordinance, and to repeal any Township ordinances, or parts of Township ordinances in direct conflict herein.
Ordinance XXVII – Hazardous Materials
An ordinance to establish charges for township emergency services responding to a hazardous materials emergency incident under Public Act 102 of 1990, and to provide methods for the collection of such charges.
Ordinance XXI – Police and Fire Fees Collection
An ordinance to secure the public peace, health and safety of the residents and property owners of Gerrish Township, Roscommon County, Michigan, a municipal corporation, by the authorization of the Police and Fire Departments to collect fees for service.