About The GTFD
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Vision Statement
We the Gerrish Township Fire/EMS Department, are committed to providing professional emergency services to our residents, visitors, and our neighboring communities through protection of life and preservation of property for future generations through:
- Compassionately Caring for those in need.
- Technological advancements.
- Education of our staff and the community.
- Family oriented work environments and community involvement.
- Fiscal Responsibility in our budget and necessary purchases to ensure the best quality of care, service, and safety of our staff.
Mission Statement
“Together…. Proudly Serving Our Community Family”
The above Mission and Vision statements for the department set the tone for our future. As we move forward with planning and decisions for the department the vision should be considered throughout the process. Defining ourselves as a community family, professional, planning for the future, and being fiscally responsible are all very strong and commendable visions to strive to achieve. The following Goals will help guide us in reaching that vision.
Goal #1: Support our staff so they can provide the highest level of professional and caring service to the community.
- Update policies and procedures, develop operational guidelines and performance plans
- Provide education and training opportunities
- Improve recruitment and retention of quality employees
- Develop a safety plan that addresses the needs of the department and employees
- Continue to provide a family-oriented atmosphere and opportunities
Goal #2: Develop a long-range plan for the department that includes facility improvements or replacement and assure it is aligned with the township plan.
- Coordinate planning with the township board
- Include budget planning and seek out other funding and grant opportunities
- Assure current and future facilities meet appropriate standards
Goal #3: Develop a long-range plan for the department that includes equipment improvements or replacement and considers new technology.
- Include budget planning and seek out other funding and grant opportunities
- Research and stay aware of new technology and equipment
- Assure current and future equipment meets appropriate standards
Goal #4: Develop a community education plan for both Fire and EMS that addresses the needs of our community.
- Research the needs of our community through local, state, national statistics
- Utilize technology and social media where appropriate
- Research new opportunities to care for our citizens
- Look for funding and grants to support programs
- Coordinate activities with partners and other agencies
- Develop a community outreach program